Grewia wightiana- Trees-ಗ್ರೇವಿಯಾ ವೈಟ್ಯಾನಾ

Grewia wightiana

Kingdom : Plantae

Clade : Angiosperms

Order : Malvales

Family : Malvaceae

Scandent shrubs. Leaves to 8 x 4 cm, ovate-oblong, acute, subcordate at base, midrib with 4 lateral nerves, thickly stellate-hairy on nerves; petiole 5-7 mm long. Peduncle 10 mm long, 3-flowered; pedicel 10 mm long, hairy; sepals 25 x 4 mm, 3-ridged; petals 8 x 4 mm, emarginate at apex, gland 4 x 3 mm, thick, with brownish tomentose margins; gynandrophore 8 mm long, tomentose; filaments 9 mm long style 10 mm long; stigma 4-lobed. Drupe 12 mm across, globose