Carissa carandas-ಕರಂಡೆ ಕಾಯಿ

Carissa carandas                                                                                             

   Kingdom: Plantae

Clade:      Angiosperms

 Order:      Gentianales

Family:    Apocynaceae

 Genus:     Carissa

Species: C. carandas


Carissa carandas (Hindi: karonda)

  Habit / Habitat

It is a hardy evergreen spiny shrub.The plant is grown wild and thrives on the poorest and rockiest  soil in India. It requires moist, fertile, and well-drained soil for higher fruit production. It is a species of flowering shrub in the family Apocynaceae. It produces berry- sized fruits that are commonly used as a condiment in Indian pickles and spices. It is a hardy, drought-tolerant plant that thrives well in a wide range of soils. Common names in English include Bengal currant, Christ's thorn, carandas plum and karanda in kannada.