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Leucaena leucocephala- Trees-ಕಾಡು ಹುಣಸೆ

Characters- trees, leaves bipinnate, alternate, pulvinate, lamina, obliquely oblong or obliquely-lanceolate, margin entire. Flowers bisexual, greenish-white in axillary umbels, globose, calyx 5-toothed,petals 5,free stamens 10,ovary superior style has long as ovary. Stigma simple. Fruit a pod, linear-oblong, flat, dehiscent seeds 15-20 brown, glossy.

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Ornamental Herb Strelitzia reginae-ಸ್ಟ್ರೆಲಿಟ್ಜ಼ಿಯಾ ರೆಜಿನಾ

The plant grows to 2 m (6.6 ft) tall, with large, strong leaves 25– 70 cm (9.8–27.6 in) long and 10–30 cm (3.9–11.8 in) broad, produced on petioles up to 1 m (39 in) long. The leaves are evergreen and arranged in two ranks, making a fan-shaped crown.

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Ornamental shrub -Ixora chinensis-ಕೇಪುಳ

Kingdom : PlantaeClade : AngiospermsOrder : GentianalesFamily : RubiaceaeGenus : IxoraSpecies: I. chinensisIxora is a genus...

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Plumeria rubra (Champa)-ಅಳುವಾ ಅಂಜೂರ

Kingdom : PlantaeClade : AngiospermsOrder : GentianalesFamily : ApocynaceaeSubtribe : PlumeriinaeGenus : PlumeriaPlumeria rubra is...

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shrub- Osmoxylon-ಒಸ್ಮೋಗ್ಸೈಲೋನ್

Osmoxylon lineare, commonly called green aralia, is an evergreen shrub endemic to the Philippines. Mature stands can reach up to 10’ tall with a similar spread. The upright branches are topped with clusters of glossy, deeply cut foliage. The leaves appear to be palmately comp

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